otr4j is part of my GSoC 09' project and is encouraged by the SIP Communicator development. otr4j is an implementation of the OTR (Off-the-Record) protocol in java.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

otr4j I/O redesign almost complete

otr4j (the java Off-the-Record library), I/O redesign is almost complete now. The plan was to create a dedicated java.net.otr4j.io package that would host various I/O streams for optimal message serialization/deserialization.

The java.net.otr4j.io package development is complete now. It has been developed independently from the existing otr4j code base because it was not possible to both develop the package and refactor it's dependencies at the same time.

As soon as I complete the refactoring and make sure everything works as expected, I will commit the code.

These code changes will fix issue 1 (Enhance serialization/deserialization) and issue 8 (non-(ISO Latin 1) characters do not display correctly), both of which are very important.

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My Commits to SIP Communicator

Mercurial commits to project otr4j on Google Code